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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Tópico: LED_mapping

Este tópico es antiguo y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

tried this with no results:
pad_page 1 ? on : off

any hints ?

Mensajes Mon 06 Jun 16 @ 6:37 pm
Pad pages start counting from 0. So try pad_page 0 if the Hotcues is selected.
Btw, names are preferred over numbers. Numbers (order) may change - we even may change the counter to start from 1 at some point ;) . So you can have pad_page 'hotcues' (or other Pad page name) to query for the LED

same result, sorry.
Tried to remap my good old VCI400.
any other ideas?
edited post above. I got to check again...

MODE1 ==>> pad_page 'hotcues'
works :)
LED_MODE1 ==>> pad_page 'hotcues' ? on : off
doesn't work :(

Try using the name of the page instead, for example pad_page 'slicer' - numbers can't be used to query the pad page at present.

Ok it appears that the pad_page number doesnt return true/false (works as an action though).

Until a fix is provided, it is suggested to use names as above.

Ok, I got it:
pad_page 'hotcues' ? on : pad_page 'cueloop' ? blink : off

thanks for your help.

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