





Hold this button down to access secondary actions as described in the SHIFT ACTION column.
Use this encoder to select a Program (1-20). By default the unit initializes with Program 16 which is named as VirtualDJ and is pre-assigned with VirtualDJ actions. Push the encoder to load the selected Program. See Advanced Setup for further details related to the other Programs
Cycles through the 4 available modes for the 16 Pads . Sampler mode (LED A is turned on), Effects mode (LED B is turned on) , Pads mode (both LED C is turned on and Transport mode (LED D is turned on)
Cycles through the 3 available modes for the 4 CTRL knobs, the 4 Faders and the 4 buttons.
Sampler mode (LED A is turned on), Effects mode (LED B is turned on) and Pads mode (LED C is turned on)
1 Pads 1-16
The 16 Pads offer different functionality depending on the selected Pads MODE. See Pads
If playing, stops the selected Deck to the previously used Cue point. If paused, Sets the current position as a Temporary Cue point
Plays/pauses selected Deck
Starts/stops recording your mix
5 *BUT 1/8
Selects Left Deck
6 *BUT 1/16
Selects Right Deck
7 *BUT 1/32
Smart Mix between Left and Right Decks
8 *FADER 1
Adjust the Pitch of the Left Deck
9 *FADER 2
Adjust the Volume of the Left Deck
10 *FADER 3
Adjust the Volume of the Right Deck
11 *FADER 4
Adjust the Pitch of the Right Deck
12 CTRL 1
In Sampler mode : Select the previous/next available Sampler Bank

In Effects mode : Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Effect on Left Deck.

In Pads mode :Select the previous/next available page for the VirtualDJ Pads on the Left Deck.
In Single Effects mode : Adjust the 3rd Parameter of the selected Effect on Left Deck.
In Multi Effects mode : Adjust the 2nd Parameter of the selected FX1 Effect Slot on Left Deck.

In all other modes the Encoders offer the same functionality as without SHIFT
13 CTRL 2
In Sampler mode : Select the previous/next available Sampler Trigger mode (On/Off, Hold, Stutter & Un-mute)

In Single Effects mode : Adjust the 2nd Parameter of the selected Effect on Left Deck.
In Multi Effects mode : Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected FX2 Effect Slot on Left Deck.

In Pads mode :Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected page for the VirtualDJ Pads on the Left Deck.
In Sampler mode : Same functionality as without SHIFT pressed

In Single Effects mode : Adjust the 4th Parameter of the selected Effect on Left Deck.
In Multi Effects mode : Adjust the 2nd Parameter of the selected FX2 Effect Slot on Left Deck.

In Pads mode :Adjust the 2nd Parameter (if available) of the selected page for the VirtualDJ Pads on the Left Deck.
14 CTRL 3
In Sampler mode : No action assigned

In Effects mode : Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Effect on Right Deck.

In Pads mode :Select the previous/next available page for the VirtualDJ Pads on the Right Deck.
In Sampler mode : No functionality

In Single Effects mode : Adjust the 3rd Parameter of the selected Effect on Right Deck.
In Multi Effects mode : Adjust the 2nd Parameter of the selected FX1 Effect Slot on Right Deck.

In Pads mode :Same functionality as without SHIFT pressed.
15 CTRL 4
In Sampler mode : Adjust the Master Volume of the Sampler

In Single Effects mode : Adjust the 2nd Parameter of the selected Effect on Right Deck.
In Multi Effects mode : Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected FX2 Effect Slot on Right Deck.

In Pads mode :Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected page for the VirtualDJ Pads on the Right Deck.
In Sampler mode : Same functionality as without SHIFT pressed

In Single Effects mode : Adjust the 4th Parameter of the selected Effect on Right Deck.
In Multi Effects mode : Adjust the 2nd Parameter of the selected FX2 Effect Slot on Right Deck.

In Pads mode :Adjust the 2nd Parameter (if available) of the selected page for the VirtualDJ Pads on the Right Deck.


* The 4 TIME DIV buttons 1/4 (SHIFT), 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and the 4 FADERS, offer the same functionality regardless the selected CTRL BANK (A,B,C). However, these keys offer different MIDI value and are named differently in the default Mapping , so those can be assigned with different actions depending on the selected CTRL BANK.

** The PROGRAM select knob and the PAD BANK and CTRL BANK buttons are hardware controls, they do not send any MIDI message, so cannot be assigned to a VirtualDJ action.
