AlphaTheta - DDJ-GRV6 - Disposición


  1. LOAD. Press these buttons to load the selected Track from the Browser to the Decks 1 to 4.
    Double-press the same buttons to load the Track from the other Deck (Clone)

    Hold SHIFT and then press these buttons to unload the Track from the Deck.

  2. BROWSE. Use this Encoder to scroll though the Tracks/Folders of the focused Browser List
    Hold SHIFT down and then use the Encoder to scroll faster (-1/+5 Tracks per rotation click)

    Push the Encoder to set focus to the next Browser List.

  3. DISCOVER. Press this button to set focus to the "Ideas" folder of Browser and explore Genius and Live Feedback Ideas of what to play next

    Hold SHIFT down and the use this button to show the "Alternative Remixes " tab in Sideview

  4. BACK. Use this button to set focus to the Folders List of Browser. If focus is on Folders List, use the same button to open/close sub-folders

  5. VIEW. Use this button to cycle through the available Sideview Tabs (Automix, Sidelist, Karaoke etc)

    Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to open/close the Info panel of Browser

  6. PREVIEW. Use this button to add the selected Track to the Automix List

    Hold SHIFT sown and then enable/disable the Prelisten Player (available in Info tab of Browser)

Stems FX