The Denon DJ SC Live 2 offers a Microphone input (connection at the rear panel) and controls at the top-left panel. This input is not part of the USB Audio Interface, and cannot be included in VirtualDJ Audio setup. None of the Mic controls of the device will control mic-related VDJ actions or GUI buttons and vice-versa.
Even though all Mic controls of SC Live 2 send Midi messages and could be assigned to any VDJ script action, it is strongly advised not to do so, as the hardware operation will still apply.
The Denon DJ SC Live 2 offers a dedicated Record input and this is part of the default Audio setup. As long as the setup is as per the following image, your mix will be recorded including the signal from the Microphone input.
If for some reason you don't want the Microphone input to be recorded, or the recorded signal is low, you can remove this line and your mix will still be recorded.

The Denon SC Live 2 can operate either in Computer mode (using VirtualDJ or other supported DJ application), or in Standalone mode using the integrated Engine OS. However there is no back-to-back operation or an easy changeover between the 2 modes, as you will need to "close" one system first, before you "open" the other one.