
Midiplus - SmartPAD


The Smartpad is pre-defined to control the VirtualDJ Sampler and offers 4 hardware modes selected from the 4 bottom right buttons.

Select one of the 4 available Mode buttons, Clip, Mode 1, Mode 2 and Set
These buttons offer no functionality neither can be assigned/mapped as they are not part of the MIDI protocol

CLIP MODE (default)

Press the bottom Clip mode button to set the device to Clip mode. This mode is pre-selected each time you (usb) power-cycle the device.
In this mode the device is offering controls of the VirtualDJ Sampler .
C Pads
These 64 Pads trigger Samples 1 to 64 of the selected VirtualDJ Sampler Bank. 1st top row controls Samples 1 to 8, 2nd row from top controls Samples 9 to 16 etc.
When a Sample is loaded to a slot, the Pad will get the color of the Sample and will blink when playing. Note that due to limited offered colors of the device, the colors of the Pads may differ from the sample's color (VirtualDJ will try to match the nearest available)
Select one of the 8 available layers/modes for the top rotaries. These buttons are hardware layers, so they cannot be mapped to a different function, neither their leds can be controlled from VirtualDJ.
Control the Volume of each Sample depending on the Rotary Layer. When the 1st layer is selected (Volume), the 8 rotaries will control the volume of Samples 1 to 8, when the 2nd layer (Send A) is selected, the 8 rotaries will control the volume of Samples 9 to 16 etc.
These 8 buttons select the first 8 Sampler Banks of VirtualDJ. These buttons don't offer any led control, meaning that selection needs to be verified from the GUI.


Press the bottom Mode 1 mode button to set the device to Mode 1.
In this mode the device is offering different Midi controls than the ones in Clip mode but these are not pre-assigned to any VirtualDJ action, mostly because none of the Pads and buttons offer any led control.
C Pads
64 Pads free to assign to any VirtualDJ action. Note that there is no led control from the firmware.
8 buttons free to assign to any VirtualDJ action. Note that there is no led control from the firmware.
Control the Volume of each Sample depending on the Rotary Layer. The layer cannot be selected from this mode, but is using the one selected in other modes.
8 buttons free to assign to any VirtualDJ action. Note that there is no led control from the firmware.


Press the bottom Mode 2 mode button to set the device to Mode 2.
In this mode the device is offering different Midi controls than the ones in Clip mode but these are not pre-assigned to any VirtualDJ action, mostly because none of the Pads and buttons offer any led control.
C Pads
The top 5 rows of Pads offer no functionality, so cannot be mapped. The bottom 3 rows (24 Pads ) are free to assign to any VirtualDJ action. Note that there is no led control from the firmware.
Select one of the 8 available layers/modes for the top rotaries. These buttons are hardware layers, so they cannot be mapped to a different function, neither their leds can be controlled from VirtualDJ.
Control the Volume of each Sample depending on the Rotary Layer. The layer cannot be selected from this mode, but is using the one selected in other modes.
These buttons offer no functionality in this mode neither can be assigned/mapped as they are not part of the MIDI protocol


Press the bottom Set mode button to set the device to Set mode.
In this mode the device is offering Volume controls on the Pads (8 vertical groups of 8 Pads each), following the same hardware layer of the Rotaries.
C Pads
When one of the 4 top hardware rotary layers is selected, the Pads are split into 8 vertical groups (8 Pads each), offering pad-style volume control same as its top rotary. The leds will indicate the volume in a pre-defined and hardcoded color. There is no functionality if the last 8 layers are selected (Control 1 to Control 4)
Select one of the 8 available layers/modes for the top rotaries. These buttons are hardware layers, so they cannot be mapped to a different function, neither their leds can be controlled from VirtualDJ.
Control the Volume of each Sample depending on the Rotary Layer. The layer cannot be selected from this mode, but is using the one selected in other modes.
These buttons offer no functionality in this mode neither can be assigned/mapped as they are not part of the MIDI protocol

Configuración Avanzada