Mixstream Pro

Numark - Mixstream Pro - Disposición


  1. PAD MODES. Use these buttons to select one of the 4 available modes for the Pads .( Hotcues, Saved Loops , Auto Loop and Loop Rolls)

    When moving from one Pad mode to another (first press of the Pad mode button - solid led), the Pads [16] will trigger the function assigned to Pads 1 to 4 of the selected Pads page.

    When one of the 4 modes is selected, press the same Pad mode button again (2nd press - led blinks). Then the 4 Pads [16] will trigger the function assigned to Pads 5 to 8 of the same selected Pads page.

  2. Pads The functionality of each Pad depends on the selected Pad mode. Their functionality is explained in VirtualDJ User's Manual.

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