Pioneer DJ - XDJ-RX - Disposición

Master & Mic

  1. MIC VOLUME. Adjust the Volume Level of MIC1 and MIC2 Inputs of XDJ-RX (Hardware operation)

  2. MIC EQ. Adjust the HIGH and LOW frequencies of MIC1 and MIC2 Inputs of the XDJ-RX (Hardware operation)

  3. MIC CONTROL. Turn ON and OFF the MIC1 and MIC2 Inputs of the XDJ-RX or enable the auto Talk Over. (Hardware operation)

  4. BOOTH MONITOR. Adjust the level of the Booth Output of the XDJ-RX . Hardware operation, not visible on the VirtualDJ GUI.

  5. Master VOLUME. Adjust the level of the Master Output of the XDJ-RX. Hardware operation but movement visible on the VirtualDJ GUI