Rane - TTM57 MKII - Disposición


  1. MAIN MIX. Use this knob to control the Output level of the Master Output.

  2. BOOTH. Use this knob to control the Output level of the Booth Output.(connection at the rear panel)

  3. SESSION OUT. Use this knob to control the Output level of the Session Output (connection at the rear panel)

    SESSION IN and OUT are typically used to chain mixers together, through any line-level device may be connected to the Session Input and mixed here.

  4. SPLIT CUE. When enabled the PAN knob (28) will pan between Mono Cue in the left ear and mono Main Mix in the right ear.

  5. PHONES PAN. Use this knob to mix between CUE and Program MIX in the Headphone channel. When all the way to the left, only channels routed to Headphones (via the CUE buttons) will be heard. When all the way to the right, only the Program mix will be heard.

  6. PHONES LEVEL. Use this knob to adjust the volume of the Headphones Channel

  7. CUE FADER. Use this fader to select the channel you wish to prelisten with Headphones. When the fader is at the far left position, the Left Deck will be routed to the Headphones channel. If the fader is at the far right position, the right deck will be routed to the Headphones channel. In all other positions, the sound from both decks will blend and routed to the Headphones.
