
Stanton - SCS.1m

Advanced Audio Setup

Mixer Channel Order

The Stanton SCS1d is pre-assigned to offer 2 channel mixer orders. By default VirtualDJ will launch at decks 3-1-2-4 (decks 1 and 2 in the middle) and the Stanton SCS1m knobs, faders and buttons will follow this order.
Alternatively a channel order 1-2-3-4 can be used. Click on the Mixer Options button, right above the Crossfader in the 4 decks default GUI of VirtualDJ and select the 1-2-3-4 option. The knobs, faders and buttons of the SCS1m will automatically follow this order.

The option 1-3-4-2 is not pre-defined and it is advised not be selected.


The Stanton SCS1d offers 2 stereo inputs at the rear side and both can be routed and used by VirtualDJ. The Microphone Input is already included in the pre-defined audio configuration and can be controlled and recorded from VirtualDJ.

The Line Input can be used to route external audio sources (CD player, turntable etc) though a VirtualDJ deck. In that case an additional line with linein 1 needs to be manually added to the audio configuration (AUDIO tab of Config) as per the following image.

Audio configuration – Line Input

Once the audio configuration is applied, use the AUX buttons from the default 2 or 4 decks GUI to route the input to any of the available decks.


The single Line Input of the Stanton SCS1m offers the ability to use a single timecode device (timecode CD or Timecode Vinyl) as a DVS system.
Connect your CD player or turntable with the Timecode signal and then manually add a timecode line to the audio configuration, as per the following image.

Audio configuration – Timecode

Once the audio configuration is applied, enable the timecode control to any of the available decks using the TC buttons from the 2 or 4 decks default GUIs of VirtualDJ.

Note. In theory, the Microphone Input can be used as well as a second Timecode Input, however it is not recommended.

Hardware Integration Department

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