Midi Fighter 3D

Other - Midi Fighter 3D

Configuración Avanzada

CUSTOM Mapping

Every single button on each Mode can be customized to your needs using VDJ Script actions. See details in https://www.virtualdj.com/manuals/virtualdj/settings/controllers.html#custom%20mapping

Some useful notes for Custom Mapping :

- The MODE buttons leds only offer white color and cannot be changed.

- The leds of the 16 Arcade buttons can be assigned to the following colors...
black, red, darkred, orange, darkorange, yellow, darkyellow, green, darkgreen, cyan, darkcyan, blue, darkblue, violet, darkviolet, magenta, and darkmagenta
.. using the color 'colorname' action
If a different color is assigned, VirtualDJ will display the nearest available color

- The Midi Fighter 3D offers special MIDI messages when rotated vertically (left/right/up/down). These special keys are pre-defined and available in the Keys list, but are not assigned to any VDJ script action.


DJTechTools offers a Utility to adjust several settings on the Midi Fighter 3D. You can download from ..
Mac: https://s3.amazonaws.com/djtt-utility/mf_utility_installers/Midi_Fighter_Utility_OSX.dmg
Windows : https://s3.amazonaws.com/djtt-utility/mf_utility_installers/Midi+Fighter+Utility+Win.exe

We have prepared a MF Settings file for VirtualDJ default Mapping , which is strongly advised to Import and not change, or else the default functionality may be broken. The Settings file can be downloaded from https://virtualdj.com/files/tools/Midi%20Fighter%203D%20Settings.mfs

For further Technical features and specifications, visit

Midi Fighter 3D
Product's Page

Hardware Integration Department

Reproduction of this manual in full or in part without written permission from Atomix Productions is prohibited.